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Database of State-Society Relations of Sri Lanka
South AsiaThis personal database is mostly based on two years’ field data in Sri Lanka, mainly including local scholars’ works, interview materials, reports of official/non-governmental research institutions, photocopies of parliamentary debate records, local academic journals and magazines, official statistics, and treasured archives, etc. It covers five major topics, namely conflict resolution, ethnic relations, national and local elections, investment and economic growth, political parties and governance, with most literature in English and some in Sinhala.
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Database of the States Governance in India
South AsiaThe parliamentary federal system is the cornerstone of India's political framework. Despite a centralization of power in the federal structure, states have relative autonomy in legislative jurisdiction in various fields, exerting a direct and practical influence on socio-economic development. Moreover, India's states exhibit immense cultural diversity, including language, customs, thought patterns, and ethnic characteristics, leading to differences in developmental approaches and choices. This diversity is reflected in distinct characteristics of social governance. This database approaches from the perspective of Indian states (Middle-level), focusing on the collection and organization of data in three major areas: people, institutions, and issues. It aims to provide a deeper analytical level and perspective to understand the political and economic development patterns and trends in India. The database assimilates both publicly accessible information and firsthand local data, weaving them together to sketch a comprehensive portrait of state governance in India.
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Database of Tribal Attributes of Kyrgyzstan's Political Elite
EurasiaThe database provides tribal attributes of the political elite of Kyrgyzstan, mainly localized to the leaders of the main branches of the state and government. Based on the data, an attempt is made to analyze the relationship between tribal attributes and regime stability, state building, etc., as well as the dynamics of changes in this relationship after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
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Historical Memory Symbols Database of Eastern Europe as a Region of ‘Interaction’
EurasiaFrom the 17th to the 19th century, Eastern Europe was the frontline for multiple powers. The interactions between states, changes in national boundaries, and spheres of influence during this period greatly influenced and shaped the historical memory of the region. Amidst dramatic changes in time and space, the localized memory of Eastern Europe has been subjected to the specific effects of changing interactions and the formation of local memory symbols. The database selects Eastern Europe, labelled as the 'Broken Zone', and collects original and rich multilingual archival materials during the historical periods of change. The related research aims to accurately grasp the details of the history of Eastern Europe and provide a reference for the current situation research.
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Database of Tribal Attributes of Kazakhstan Officials
EurasiaThe Database mainly covers the tribal attributes of Kazakhstan officials from 1991 to 2019.
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Central and Eastern European Political Party Election Discourse Comparison Database
EurasiaThe database collects texts of election manifestos and social media tweets from political parties in the parliaments of 11 Central and Eastern European countries between 2013 and 2023. It conducts discourse analysis on word frequency, positions, and themes, forming a comparative database of major political party election discourse in Central and Eastern Europe that covers three dimensions: time, parties, and countries. It reveals the ideological orientations of political parties, trends in public opinion, and the interaction with domestic and foreign environments.
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Mexican Industrial Upgrading and Transformation Database
Latin America and the CaribbeanThe Mexican industrial upgrading and transformation database is intended to include: 1) product-level foreign trade data sub-database; 2) Input-output data sub-database at the enterprise level; 3) Mexico's foreign investment and foreign investment sub-database; 4) Mexico's subnatioanl fiscal database; 5) Commodity and its derivatives price sub-database and analysis methods.
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Chilean Public Policy Interest Groups Database
Latin America and the CaribbeanThis dataset focuses on interest groups within the public policy process using firsthand data to systematically analyze the decision-making processes of contemporary major public policies in Chile. Utilizing text documents and interviews collected through fieldwork conducted in Chile, the dataset aims to identify the interest groups involved in the Chilean policy-making process and examine how they influence policy outcomes.
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Database of Political Party Institutionalization in Argentina
Latin America and the CaribbeanThe Database provides the evaluation criteria and framework for the analysis of political party institutionalization, studying the institutionalization level of a political party from three aspects of party performance, namely autonomy, functionality and cohesion, where quantifiable measurement indicators are statistical results of parliamentary archives, chronological documents of party headquarters, relevant diplomatic agreements, and historical election results, while non-quantifiable indictors are obtained through semi-structured interviews with leaders, elites and youngsters of different political parties in Argentina during two years of local field work.
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Database for the Study of Traditional Brazilian Political Families
Latin America and the CaribbeanPolitical inequality and lack of representation are critical issues facing many new democracies today. As one of the largest and most important new democracies, Brazil is considered to have a "sustained" ruling class that exhibits a high degree of elite reproduction in the political sphere. Since Brazil's re-democratization in 1985, many studies have focused on the electoral system, social movements, and grassroots political participation, emphasizing popular political participation. Still, fewer have examined the elites that essentially continue to dominate Brazilian politics, especially the traditional political elite families that have long dominated local politics in each of the country's states.
This database aims to select critical political families in each Brazilian state and collect specific information on their family history, significant industries, essential figures, political power base, and political power networks.
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Database on Latin American and the Caribbean Political Elites and Forces
Latin America and the CaribbeanThis database aims to conduct in-depth mapping of political elites and forces in countries across Latin America and the Caribbean. Taking a global perspective, it seeks to explore the factors behind party changes and transitions in the region, analyzing both the variables and constants, and attempting to summarize the patterns of change. In terms of indicators, the database employs a multidimensional and detailed collection approach, including factors such as age, family background, marital status, education level, core political beliefs, party change history, and career paths.
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Database on the History of Urbanization in Indian Ocean African Countries
Sub-Saharan AfricaThe database continuously collects and integrates various data on the history of urbanization in Indian Ocean African countries, the data includes basic geographic information, demographics, municipal administration, infrastructure and transportation, economic activities, culture and education, social life, and urban politics of the relevant cities. Geographically, the database is divided into two main sections, namely, data on the history of urbanization in Indian Ocean African island countries and data on the history of urbanization in Indian Ocean coastal countries on the African continent.
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African Health Research Database
Sub-Saharan AfricaThe healthcare field is highly intertwined and convergent with biological and social/cultural dimensions, and research in each of these dimensions requires interdisciplinary participation and relies on strong data and information support. We will focus on African health issues from the prevalence and evolution of the African disease spectrum, traditional infectious diseases such as malaria and HIV/AIDS, emerging infectious diseases such as Ebola, and chronic diseases. The African Health Research Database will include "Malaria case" (focusing on international cooperation mechanisms and malaria control), "Emerging Infectious Diseases cases" (local responses and socio-cultural responses), "Chronic Diseases Chronic Diseases cases" (focusing on disease, health and agriculture/diet, and medical socio-ecology), with a geographic focus on East Africa. In addition, some areas will cover all of Africa or a country based on the geographic characteristics of the disease epidemiology, such as malaria control in West Africa, medical socio-ecology, Ebola, and some of the epidemiology of emerging infectious diseases.
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Party Politics in Tanzania Database
Sub-Saharan AfricaThis database project is designed to systematically gather and structure historical data materials pertaining to party politics in Tanzania. This will be achieved through a combination of field research, archival exploration, and interviews conducted in the field. The overarching goal is to cultivate a thorough comprehension of the evolution of the party system and political activities within Tanzanian party politics.
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Database on the Development of Economic Development Zones in Sub-Saharan Africa
Sub-Saharan AfricaThe Database mainly deals with park development in Sub-Saharan Africa continent, with its contents covering the basic information, relevant government laws and regulations, and various research reports of each park, as well as various information the database builder collected through field work in such forms as audios, videos, images, e-books, and databases, etc.
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Database on Civil-Military Relations in the Countries of West Asia and North Africa
West Asia and AfricaThe database on civil-military relations in the countries of West Asia and North Africa tracks the process of professionalization and modernization of the armed forces of the countries of West Asia and North Africa. The data are categorized in the form of documents, photographs and tables. The content of the data is organized into seven sections, including basic information about the armed forces of the WANA countries, official publications of the military institutions of the WANA countries, legal provisions and official documents on the status of the armed forces of the WANA countries, data on military coups d'état in the WANA countries, the economic role of the armed forces of the WANA countries, persons with a military background in the governments and bureaucracies of the WANA countries, the diplomatic role of the armed forces of the WANA countries and the Armed Non-State Actors in the WANA Countries. The database is expected to cover all countries in the WANA region, initially prioritizing the six countries of Egypt, Turkey, Algeria, Tunisia, Israel, and Syria, and then expanding to other countries.
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Judicial Review of Constitutionality Database in the West Asian and North African Region
West Asia and AfricaThe Constitutionality Review Database aims to collect the jurisprudence of constitutionality review bodies in key countries in the West Asia and North Africa region. The database consists of three parts: the first part is a background analysis of the constitutional review bodies in each country, including the composition of the constitutional courts (or constitutional councils), the way of selecting members of the courts, the mode of constitutional review, and the effectiveness of constitutional review. The second part is the original data of the constitutional review jurisprudence in each country, which includes the original judgments. The third part is the data analysis of constitutional review jurisprudence, including the analysis of the subject of the case, the probability of accepting the case, the analysis of the proportion of constitutional decisions, the analysis of the proportion of unconstitutional decisions, the analysis of the decision making process, the analysis of the reasoning process, and the analysis of the impact of the decision.
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Database of Political Culture in Modern Iran
West Asia and AfricaIn area studies, national political regime change and interstate political regimes are enduring research topics and important observational variables for understanding and predicting a country's political development trajectory. The factors that lead to national institutional change may include economic factors, the evolution of the international landscape, external aggression, and sudden internal reforms. Still, the factor that has the most radical impact on the change of political institutions is usually considered the political-cultural factor, the evolution of political perceptions. Since the beginning of Iran's modern history in 1502, Iran's political system has undergone institutional changes, such as the establishment of the nation-state, constitutional revolution, semi-colonial rule, current monarchical centralization, modern clerical rule, etc. The long-term study of institutional changes requires the observation and analysis of the evolution of the political culture behind them, and establishing a "Database of Political Culture in Modern Iran" is needed. ". It is planned to electronically process representative data from many archives over the past 520 years and encode them according to chronological order and political-cultural keywords.
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Database on Legal Norms of Islamic Finance
West Asia and AfricaIslamic finance business is conducted in accordance with the teachings and norms of Islam, prohibiting interest and following Islam's moral and ethical standards. In recent years, there has been a rapid development of Islamic finance business globally, including the participation of some Chinese enterprises and financial institutions in Islamic finance business outside China. However, due to the unique characteristics of the Islamic finance business, its legal compliance has attracted much attention. This project will collect and organize international legal norms, standards, and practical experiences in the field of Islamic finance and establish a comprehensive and systematic database of legal examples of Islamic finance, including the fundamentals of Islamic finance, compliance requirements, legislation and regulation, international standards, and norms on dispute resolution. The database will provide valuable references and bases for researchers, practitioners, and regulators engaged in Islamic finance-related businesses.